
“Ichinokura” was established in 1973 (Showa 48) during the post-war “Japanese archipelago reform boom” under the late Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, and was founded by four long-standing sake brewing companies in Miyagi Prefecture (Asami Shoten, Katsuki Sake Brewery, Sakurai Sake Brewery, Matsumoto Sake Brewery) was created through a corporate merger. The characteristic Ichino-kura company emblem, the square, was created with the wish that the four breweries would come together and cherish each person’s people. At the time of its establishment, the company was faced with a difficult situation due to the soaring cost of materials due to capital investment and the oil shock, and the era was the heyday of Nada’s Sanzo Sake.However, the company set a policy of “aiming to produce high-quality sake,” and the company focused on making honjozo sake instead of selling the best. I was so particular about it that I went to all the liquor stores in Miyagi. In 1977 (Showa 52), “Mukan Honjozo” was born out of a desire to protest against the grading system at the time and to make it possible to drink good quality sake at a low price.As soon as it was released, it spread all over the country thanks to the tailwind of the local sake boom. It made its name known. In addition, with the aim of revitalizing the sake industry, we have been developing low-alcohol sake and sparkling sake for over 30 years. Products such as “Himezen” and “Suzune” can be found in major supermarkets, and they have gained fans even among people who don’t like sake. Although it is one of the largest breweries in the prefecture with a production volume of 13,000 koku and over 170 employees, it still values ​​hand-crafted sake brewing methods, such as steaming rice using a koshiki and making koji using a koji lid. There is.

About Ichinokura Brewery

14 Okeyaki, Sengoku, Matsuyama, Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture