Heiwa Brewing Company

Location not available.

Heiwa Sake Brewery used to produce almost all of its sake as paper-packed sake, but in 2004, the fourth generation, Norimasa Yamamoto, returned to the brewery and reassessed its corporate value, leading to its current form as a local sake brewery. After graduating from Kyoto University, Mr. Yamamoto worked at a company in Tokyo, and his first task was to establish his own brand.
To that end, we will first release “Tsuruume”, a liqueur made from natural fruits such as plums, which Wakayama Prefecture is proud of around the world. After that, we improved our sake brewing technology and made changes one after another, such as rebuilding the taste, and in September 2007, we announced the name “Kishu’s climate” and “Let’s grow together with KID”. With this in mind, we created the main brand “Kido”.
The craft beer “Heiwa Craft” released in 2016 has been well received. Currently, we are actively hiring university graduates, have established a training system, and are working with young employees to brew sake that is rooted in the local community. It is a sake brewery that is attracting attention from various quarters for its ability to create a viable company. (Tomomi Seki)

Sakes by Heiwa Brewing Company

About Heiwa Brewing Company

1 sakes on sakehon
Location not available.
119 Mizonokuchi, Kainan City, Wakayama Prefecture